Management / Governance
The Science and Industry Endowment Act, 1926 provides that the Trustee of the Fund is CSIRO’s Chief Executive.
The Trustee is supported by advisory committees engaged to provide independent and expert advice. Each Gift has its own council.
CSIRO assists the Trustee in the administration and operation of the Fund.
CSIRO Gift Advisory Council Members
- Prof Alan Robson (Chair)
- Prof Margaret Sheil
- Prof Tom Spurling
- Dr Ezio Rizzardo
- Mr Nigel Poole
- Dr Peter Riddles
The CSIRO Gift Advisory Council is no longer active.
NSW Generation STEM Consultative Council Members
- Mr David Wright (Chair)
- Prof Elanor Huntington
- Ms Gail Fulton
- Dr Ian Oppermann
- Ms Gabrielle Trainor
NICTA Program Advisory Council Members
- Dr Jon Whittle
- Ms Michelle Price
- Mr John Paitaridis
The NICTA Program Advisory Council is no longer active.
Expert Panel Members
The Expert Panel are engaged to provide specific peer review for projects funded by, or potentially proposed to be funded by, the Science and Industry Endowment Fund. The Panel Members are:
- Prof Tom Spurling
- Prof John McKenzie
- Dr Oliver Mayo
- Dr Ezio Rizzardo
- Prof Elaine Sadler
- Dr Trevor Powell
Undergraduate Degree Panel Members
The role of the Undergraduate Degree Panel is to assist in the selection of Universities to participate in the SIEF Undergraduate Degree Program. The Panel Members are:
- Prof Margaret Sheil (Chair)
- Prof David Symington
- Dr Terry Lyons