
Annual Reports

SIEF Annual Report 2022-23

SIEF Annual Report 2021-22

SIEF Annual Report 2020-21

SIEF Annual Report 2019-20

SIEF Annual Report 2018-19

SIEF Annual Report 2017-18

SIEF Annual Report 2016-17

SIEF Annual Report 2015-16 

SIEF Annual Report 2014-15 

SIEF Annual Report 2013-14

SIEF Annual Report 2012-13

SIEF Annual Report 2011-12

SIEF Annual Report 2010-11

SIEF Annual Report 2009-10

External Independent Review Reports

ANAO Performance Audit of the Administration of the gift from CSIRO

In July-December 2015 the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) undertook a performance audit to assess the effectiveness of the administration of CSIRO’s Gift to the Fund. As required by the Auditor-General Act 1997, the ANAO report was tabled in the Parliament (February 2-16) and a copy of the audit was provided to the Minister for Industry Innovation and Science.

The report concluded that CSIRO’s Gift to the Fund has generally been well administered. In particular, the approach to designing the arrangements for managing the Gift was sound. These arrangements, including the processes for administering financial assistance from the Gift, have been operating as intended. Suggestions made for potential improvement of future operations have been considered, including undertaking a formal evaluation (the SIEF Impact Review – see below).

Read the ANAO report here [external link].

SIEF Impact Review

In the ANAO report (above), suggestions for improvement of the Fund included a formal evaluation to develop more qualitative and outcome-focused performance measures. As a result, the SIEF Impact Review was commissioned by the Trustee during 2016 and was conducted by the CSIRO Impact Team with independent consulting firm Acil Allen.

The Review evaluated the impact and value delivered by the SIEF Portfolio of activities to the Australian science and innovation systems. The multi-stage Review found overall positive findings, including indicating that SIEF has:

  • Invested in strategic research that is anticipated to result in significant return on the Australian community
  • Supported excellent science as illustrated by the quantity and quality of research publications
  • Helped build capacity and capability in the National Innovation System through support of early career researchers and co-investment in major national research infrastructure.

SIEF Impact Review – An Evaluation of the Impact of SIEF

SIEF Impact Review – Appendix 1 – SIEF Impact Case Studies – ACIL Allen

SIEF Impact Review – Appendix 2 – An Evaluation of SIEFs Performance

SIEF Impact Review – Impact Case Study – Distal Footprints

SIEF Impact Review – Impact Case Study – EpiSCOPE

SIEF Impact Review – Impact Case Study – Energy Waste

SIEF Impact Review – Impact Case Study – Plant Breeding

SIEF Impact Review – Impact Case Study – RAFT

SIEF Impact Review – Impact Case Study – ARCF

SIEF Impact Review -Impact Case Study – Synchrotron

To view more about our impact case studies, visit ‘What has been Funded‘.

Promotion of Science – John Stocker program review

A review of the John Stocker postgraduate scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships program was undertaken in 2020.  Read the executive summary.

Analysis of the outcomes and impact of the CSIRO Gift

In 2021 an historic review and analysis of the outcomes and impact of the application of the CSIRO Gift was undertaken by Swinburne University, having regard to:

  1. the breadth and quality of research activities supported by the CSIRO Gift and
  2. the effectiveness of the application of the CSIRO Gift funding by SIEF in terms of:
    • building capacity and capability
    • promoting and facillitating productive and enduring collaborations and
    • driving research activities to measurable impact. 

Read the executive summary.

EDP Impact Review

In 2022 a review of the impact of the Experimental Development Program was commissioned.

SIEF EDP Impact Review

Case Studies

SIEF commissions from time to time case studies for its annual reporting requirements and ongoing review of its impact on the National Innovation System.

In 2019 case studies were commissioned for two EDP projects.

Going for Gold


In 2020 case studies were commissioned for an EDP project and the Supply Chain Integrity Digital Initiative.

Hydrogen generator for FCV

Boat to Plate

In 2021 case studies were commissioned for the Megasonics EDP project and the Supply Chain Integrity Phase 2 Digital Initiative.

Megasonics for Olive Oil Recovery

Automated Farm Provenance

In 2022 two case studies were commissioned for TranspiratiONal EDP project and the Genomics Digital Initiative.

In 2023 a case study was commissioned for the GraphAir EDP project.