Frequently Asked Questions

Round 4 Research Projects

  • Should I submit a proposal? Will SIEF be interested in my proposal? Does my proposal match SIEF’s requirements?
  • How much co-investment is expected by SIEF?
  • What does the ‘scientific research’ threshold criterion mean? Do social sciences qualify as ‘scientific research’?
  • Is there a requirement for CSIRO involvement>
  • Are projects with international involvement eligible?
  • Are private sector institutions eligible to apply?

Should I submit a proposal? Will SIEF be interested in my proposal? Does my proposal match SIEF’s requirements?

The rationale for the two stage selection process is to allow the Trustee (via the Expert Panel and Advisory Council) to consider a range of research ideas at the concept stage. The EoI is deliberately kept short to minimise the initial effort required by the proponents, the EoIs further developed into fully detailed proposals only if SIEF considers the project concept to be one which it may be interested in funding.
Priority areas and preferences specified are just that: they represent the current priorities and preferences of SIEF but are not mandatory. In order for your proposal to have the strongest possibility of being successful, it is suggested you take into account the indicated preferences and selection criteria and position your proposal to specifically address these.
There is no pre-screening that occurs – all Expressions of Interest will be submitted to the Expert Panel for consideration. If you believe that your project concept adequately addresses the criteria, then you are encouraged to submit an EoI. In light of the quantum of the grants generally made by SIEF, they are highly competitive and tis is reflected in the quality of the projects selected for funding to date.

How much co-investment is expected by SIEF?

While no co-investment levels are specified in the selection criteria, successful proposals in previous rounds have had co-investment levels of between 40% and 60%, therefore it is likely that the Expert Panel will be looking for similar levels for this Round 4.

What does the ‘scientific research’ threshold criterion mean? Do social sciences qualify as ‘scientific research’?

SIEF’s Primary Purpose is to support activities:

  • in the fields of natural or applied science for the extension of knowledge, including the practical application of such knowledge; and
  • for national benefit for the purposes of assisting Australian industry, furthering the interests of the Australian community or contributing to the achievement of Australian national objectives.
  • All proposals for Research Projects must align with the SIEF Primary Purpose, and this is reflected in the fact that criterion 1, whether the activity is ‘scientific research’, is threshold criterion. ‘Scientific Research’ means any activities in the fields of natural or applied science for the extension of knowledge, including such activities in support of the practical application of such knowledge.
  • EoIs that the Expert Panel do not consider meets the threshold criterion will not be further considered.
  • There is no pre-screening that occurs – all Expressions of Interest will be submitted to the Expert Panel for consideration. If you believe that your project concept adequately addresses the criteria, then you are encouraged to submit an EoI. In light of the quantum grants generally made by SIEF, they are highly competitive and this is reflected in the quality of the projects selected for funding to date.

Is there a requirement for CSIRO involvement?

SIEF supports Research carried out by, or within, one or more single institutions and within collaborative partnerships between scientific, research and tertiary institutions. Eligibility is extended to national and international* universities, Publicly Funded Research Agencies (PFRA), and research focused institutions.
As indicated in the selection criteria, there is no requirement that Expressions of Interest include CSIRO as a collaborator, and no preference is given to Expressions of Interest on the basis that CSIRO is involved. SIEF is simply looking for the best teams to address identified challenges.
*Subject to the funded research meeting the SIEF Primary Purpose of benefit to Australia.

Are projects with international involvement eligible?

All proposals must align with SIEF’s primary purpose to be eligible for funding.
SIEF Primary Purpose means that grants must be for:

  • Activities in the fields of natural or applied science for the extension of knowledge including the practical application of such knowledge; and
  • national benefit for the purposes of assisting Australian industry, furthering the interests of the Australian community or contributing to the achievement of Australian national objectives.

SIEF’s view is that this requirement cannot be established if a proposal contains significant expenditure of funds outside of Australia, but a decision about whether any overseas expenditure is appropriate could only be made in the context of the actual proposal. If you believe that there is a strong case for expenditure outside of Australia and that despite this, the proposal fits within SIEF’s Primary Purpose, you are free to make a submission. However, the requirement that Research Projects comply with the Primary Purpose is absolute, so any doubt around this may affect the chances of your proposal’s success.

Are private sector institutions eligible to apply?

SIEF supports research carried out by, or within, one or more single institutions and within collaborative partnerships between scientific, research and tertiary institutions. Eligibility is extended to national and international* universities, Publicly Funded Research Agencies (PRFA), and research focused institutions. The participation of the private sector in Research Projects is not precluded but it would be expected that the Expert Panel, Advisory Council and Trustee would take into consideration the contribution made by the private sector participant. It would normally be expected that private sector participants that do not meet the criteria above (ie ‘research focused institute’) would not be eligible to receive SIEF funds, but may be signatories to the EoI (and potential final Funding Agreement) and provide co-investment in the form of cash and/or in-kind contributions.
*Subject to the funded research meeting the SIEF Primary Purpose of benefit to Australia.