What has been funded – Experimental Development Program
The SIEF Experimental Development Program (EDP) is designed to address a significant gap in current funding options available for progressing technology development to a stage suitable for attracting commercial investment and market uptake. The EDP is open to eligible PFRAs.
Year | Lead Researcher and Organisation | Collaborating Organisations | Project Title | SIEF Funds (lifetime months) |
2016 | Dr Melony Sellars
Australian Prawn Farmers Association | RNAi treatment of broodstock to reduce disease impacts in farmed prawns (Prawn RNAi) |
$250,000 (24 months) COMPLETED |
2016 | Dr Keith Bristow
Sprayable Biodegradable Polymer Membrane Technology for Agriculture (TranspiratiONal) |
$445,842 (12 months) COMPLETED |
2016 |
Dr Stefan Hrabar |
Hovermap – Intelligent Lidar Mapping and Navigating System for Drones (Hovermap) |
$768,000 (12 months) COMPLETED |
2017 |
Dr San Hla CSIRO |
Hydrogen generator for FCV refuelling (H2 Generation) |
$1,657,256 (24 months) COMPLETED |
2017 |
Dr Aaron Thornton CSIRO |
Monash University Energy Infrastructure Resources |
Capturing carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere (CO2Gen) |
$725,000 (15 months) COMPLETED |
2017 |
Dr Paul Breuer CSIRO |
Eco Minerals Research |
Demonstration plant to validate new products for gold discovery (Going for Gold) |
$860,000 (15 months) COMPLETED |
2017 |
Dr Keith Bristow CSIRO |
Sprayable Biodegradable Polymer Membrane Technology for Agriculture (TranspiratiONal 2) |
$576,430 (10 months) COMPLETED |
2018 |
Dr Graeme Moad CSIRO |
Monash University Queensland University of Technology iGlass Pty Ltd |
Development of enhanced PDLC smart glass with improved durability and performance for architectural and automotive applications (SmartWindows) |
$1,306,141 (24 months) COMPLETED |
2018 |
Dr Pablo Juliano CSIRO |
Boundary Bend Ltd Sonosys Ultraschallsysteme GmbH
Commercial demonstration of megasonic technology for additional virgin olive oil recovery (Megasonics) |
$890,277 (8 months) COMPLETED |
2018 |
Dr Andrew Bean CSIRO |
Industrial scale production of enhanced vaccine eggs for commercial influenza vaccine production trials (Vaximiser) |
$1,261,354 (24 months) COMPLETED |
2018 |
Dr Andrew Abbott CSIRO |
Demonstration at scale of carbon fibre production that meets the specifications of Australian manufacturers (CarbonFibre) |
$1,962,554 (24 months) COMPLETED |
2019 |
Ms Katie Green CSIRO |
Scaled production of graphene membranes and development of a demonstration laboratory purification device for commercial trials (GraphAir) | $1,999,771
(24 months) COMPLETED |
2020 |
Dr Robert Wilson CSIRO |
Titanium particulates to wire (TiWi) | $1,719,000
(24 months) COMPLETED |
2020 |
Dr Helmut Thissen CSIRO |
Florey Department of Neuroscience and Mental Health | Overcoming fibrotic encapsulation of implantable medical devices (Antifibrotic Coatings) | $650,000
(24 months) COMPLETED |
2020 |
Dr Gregory Wilson CSIRO |
Demonstration of an industrially scalable process for production of high efficiency perovskite photovoltaics. | $1,817,962
(24 months) COMPLETED |
2022 |
Dr Daniella Caruso CSIRO |
Copper Mines of Tasmania; EnviroCopper Ltd; Sydney Water Corporation | Monitoring of water quality using in-situ Vesi™ sensors | $850,000
(24 months) |
2022 |
Dr Gurpreet Kaur CSIRO |
BlueScope Steel | Tubular Solid Oxide Electrolysis | $1,708,513
(24 months) COMPLETED |
2023 |
Dr Henry Sabarez CSIRO |
Heuch Pty Ltd; CANN Group Ltd; Nestle Switzerland; Biovite Ltd; UNSW | Commercialisation of a low-cost ultrasound-assisted low temperature drying technology | $767,000
(29 months) * |
2024 |
Dr Louis Wibberley CSIRO |
NSW Dept of Primary Industries; Delta Electricity Vales Point; Idemitsu Australia | Dispatchable renewable electricity production with net-negative CO2 emissions (BioDICE) | $1,083,648
(24 months) |
2025 |
Dr Ramesh Thiruvenkatachari CSIRO |
Membrane distillation and crystallisation for inland water treatment | $725,182
(14 months) |
2025 |
Dr Mohammad Munir Sadiq CSIRO |
Demonstrating atmospheric water generation (AWG) pilot plant utilising metal-organic framework (MOF) composites. | $855,737
(15.5 months) |
2025 |
Dr Mei Gao CSIRO |
Rollable printed solar panels for space deployment | $700,000
(13 months) |
*Extension granted